Page 9 - July- August 2018
P. 9

a digital divide whether we like it or       for Crown Castle.                                           WHEN SMART CITIES GO BAD
not. It’s common in the community,”            There are corporate partners who are
Ramachandran said. “In IT we think                                                                       •	 IT budgets are in separate
pushing the technology will solve the        willing to help cities understand how                          departments
problem, but really it’s access to the       they can build around existing projects
technology. We have to understand            and programs. For example, in some                          •	 Public Wi-Fi that is too proprietary
the user and not just say invest in the      cases, it’s easy to expand from smart
technology.”                                 lighting to smart metering without                          •	 Skipping pilots and going straight to
                                             tremendous expenditure.                                        procurement
  The digital divide issue resonates
particularly when it is time to hire           From the corporate perspective,                           •	 No clear direction from pilot to
qualified employees. Job applications        there’s an educational aspect. “Cities                         procurement
are on online process. Even the most         don’t know what is possible – we have
basic jobs now have components of            to help them understand what has                            •	 Political mandate in one press release
technology, and particularly in Public       been done, what can be done, and how                           and then never revisited
Works, the industry is evolving to           that can be leveraged,” said Randolph
include vehicles that have powerful          Wheatley, Vice President of Product                         •	 Ignoring the urgency of projects on an
dashboards, logging devices, and             Marketing for Sensus, a Xylem Brand.                           “elected” schedule
joystick controls.
                                               Academic institutions are often                           •	 Policies and performance measure
  Ramachandran said, “It’s a program,        eager to give their students hands-on                          outcomes that don’t measure the
not a project – that requires an             experience. Several National Science                           “right” things and so are perceived as
organizational shift – look at Smart         Foundation grant projects were                                 unsuccessful
Cities as on-going, not short-lived.”        highlighted at the conference. The
                                             advances in technology are happening                        •	 Exclusive approach ignoring the digital
   In New Orleans, the city is offering      so rapidly that having local universities                      divide
technology classes in underprivileged        and colleges as key players in city
areas of the city. Not only are they         projects has been very valuable in pilot                    •	 Heavy-handed governance over
helping citizens access the assistance       programs and data collection.                                  technology
programs that are now exclusively
online, but they are offering                The True Value of the Right of Way                          •	 Not using peer networks
foundational training that makes
technology less intimidating. “We are          Cities own the most valuable                              •	 Not having lots of people sign off on
starting with computer literacy. So, we      asset of any Smart Cities project –                            projects
are starting to educate our citizens,” said  the right of way. The fiber network
Kim LeGrue, Chief Information Officer        infrastructure layer has not been part of                   •	 Not working strategically in phases
for the City of New Orleans. “That’s a       the conversation in the past for cities,
citywide initiative. We have to help our     but now it is. Cities like Chattanooga                      •	 Not involving academic and corporate
citizens understand why the technology       and Morristown have explored ways                              partners on pilots
is helpful. If data is as much of a demon    to establish their own fiber networks.
as it is an asset, we’ve got to fix it.”     According to Dura-Line, an ISO-                             Michael Pegues, Chief Information
                                             9001 global manufacturer of HDPE                            Officer for the City of Aurora, Ill.,
Public/Private Academic Partnerships         conduit headquartered in Knoxville,                         recommends that if something doesn’t
                                                                                                         turn out as expected, try to fail forward.
  While cities are creating policies and                                           Continued on page 10  Illustrate where the good is and where
offering basic services, it’s imperative                                                                 the opportunity is to transform the
to leverage relationships with private                                               	                   government system and where residents
corporations and academic institutions.                                                                  live. Once an innovative champion
                                                                                                         project is accomplished, it will open
  “Customers and constituents are                                                                        the door for more. People need to be
the same people – so figure out how                                                                      aware of how technology is transforming
to align transformative change,” said                                                                    people’s lives. Then, they will see the
Graham, who has been successful with                                                                     value and support a Smart City strategy.
partnering on implementing Smart
Cities solutions in the City of San

  Finding the right corporate and
academic partners can stretch limited
budgets and yield greater results than
a straightforward traditional purchase

  “Phase Zero is understanding what
you already have,” said Rebecca Hunter,
Corporate Development and Strategy

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