Page 5 - July-Aug 2021 Vol 39 No 2
P. 5

TCAPWA Executive
        Committee                         Overcoming an
        PRESIDENT:  Justin Holland        Unconscious Bias
        Client Account Manager, Jacobs Engineering
        (423) 779-3075                      In the spirit of Sophia (of the Golden Girls), picture a
        PRESIDENT ELECT: John Fox         restaurant in Texas. I was on my way to a Re-Accreditation
        Operations Assistant, Collierville    Site visit in Austin, Texas. After the plane landed, I needed           to use the restroom.
        (901) 457-2800                      I know that I looked up and saw the stick-figured version
        VICE-PRESIDENT: Nicholas Bradshaw   of a woman wearing a dress. As I walked in, a male was
        Director of Fleet Services        there changing his daughter’s diapers.           I gasped and said I am so sorry. His reply was “This is an
        (865) 215-2150                    all gender restroom.”  There I was with a decision to make:    Kimberly Strong
        SECRETARY: John Chlarson          do you stay or do you walk out? I decided to stay but was so uncomfortable knowing that
        Public Works Consultant, MTAS     a male was in the bathroom. My stall door was locked but I have to admit that I still felt
        (731) 695-2472                    uncomfortable. 
        TREASURER: Kenny Wiggins            After I came out of the restroom, I embarked on a mission to see how the signage has
        Retired                           changed for bathroom users over the years.          I can remember a time when the option was male only or female only, and with the
        (865) 679-9724                    passing of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the wheelchair was added to the
        WEST DIRECTOR: Ethan Skaggs       restroom signage.  As our society has advanced in less than 35 years, restroom signage has
        Principal Engineer, LDA Engineering   evolved to give us more diverse choices of a restroom environment in which we feel most        comfortable.
        (901) 568-1929                      Restroom designs are evolving to become all-inclusive spaces, offering equitable access
        MIDDLE DIRECTOR: Regina Santana   to diverse populations and promoting gender inclusivity. 
        Engineering Services Director, Lebanon   Fast forward to 2020, right before the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. While attending            a conference in a Chattanooga upscale hotel, the announcement was made that the
        (615) 444-3647                    restrooms closest to our session rooms were flooded. There was a leak in the facility’s
        UPPER EAST DIRECTOR: Bryon Fortner   underground pipes, and water was coming up from the floor. 
        Public Works Director, Sevierville   As fate would have it, I needed to use the restroom.          They told us that we could go to the other end of the hotel, where several restrooms
        (865) 429-4567                    were available.  Once I arrived at the restrooms we were re-routed to, all of the stalls were
        LOWER EAST DIRECTOR: Eric Sines   undoubtedly full.
        Director of Public Works, Collegedale   The hotel staff attendant said another restroom was available.  I looked up and it was an
        (423) 468-1983                    all gender restroom.  There I was, thinking about my experience in Austin, Texas - do I go
                                          in or do I wait in the long line for the available stall in the women’s restroom? I decided to
        Kimberly Strong                   go into the all gender restroom. When I walked out, the line was still long for the “women’s
        Public Information Specialist     restroom.”                Several of the women in the long line gave me what the younger generation would call
        (423) 643-6187                    a “side eye,” and a few of the women got out of the long line and went into the all gender
        PAST PRESIDENT: Phillip Jones     restroom.
        Operations Manager, Metro Nashville   And here we are in the present - 2021 - where we all have seen a transition to gender       neutral restrooms, including family changing stations in restaurants, bars, resorts,
        (615) 533-2377                                            conference centers, schools and even in our workplaces.  
        CHAPTER ADMINISTRATOR: Mark Miller                          The moral to the story is: even though I have been actively
        Public Works Director, Pigeon Forge                       engaged in diversity, equity and inclusion for over a decade,
        P.O. Box 1350, Pigeon Forge, TN 37868                     I recognize that technology and cultures change. I must                                continue to keep abreast and notate my own unconscious
        (865) 429-7312                                            bias towards things that potentially make me uncomfortable.
        COMMUNICATIONS CHAIR:                                       So, as we plan future conferences and meetings, we
        Bonnie Mumpower Dodson                                    should be very mindful to ensure that the venue has all-
        Accounts Coordinator, Chattanooga                                 inclusive restrooms. This practice will help ensure that our
        (423) 643-6031                                            attendees feel not only comfortable and safe, but most of all,
        TPW PUBLISHER: Klair Kimmey                               included.
        P.O. Box 22491, Knoxville, TN 37933                         The submission of this article is an opinion piece, and                                   serves as an educational tool for others who may have had
        (865) 288-0815; (865) 924-4956                            the same experience as I did.  

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