Page 6 - July-Aug2020 Vol38 No2
P. 6

JOHNSON CITY                                    by Jason Elliott, P.E., Reuben Robertson and Phil Pindzola
Making West Walnut Street
a “Place” for All to Be

  Stronger, happier communities are                                                                                                            The large, multi-
rich with “places” that people love to visit                                                                                                   discipline project
because they are inviting, safe, fun, vibrant,                                                                                                 consists of the
recreational, relaxing, social, multimodal,                                                                                                    removal and
and did we mention fun. If you plan for                                                                                                        replacement of
cars and traffic, then you will get just                                                                                                       about 1-mile of
that…more cars and traffic. The City of                                                                                                        total streetscape
Johnson City has a grander vision for the                                                                                                      cross-section, a
West Walnut Street corridor located in an                                                                                                      stormwater and
ideal area to connect a quaint residential                                                                                                     gateway park,
community and thriving East Tennessee                                                                                                          9,200 feet of water
State University to a revitalized downtown                                                                                                     lines, 7,000 feet of
area with bustling businesses and markets,                                                                                                     sewer main, 9,000
entertainment, art, green space, and trails.                                                                                                   feet of storm-water
                                                                                                                                               collection, and the
  The City of Johnson City has partnered                                                                                                       relocation of all
with LDA Engineering to begin                                                                                                                  above ground power
engineering the vision for the Walnut                                                                                                          and communications
Street place.                                                                                                                                  to underground.
A word from Phil Pindzola, Public Works
Director of The City of Johnson City            The new streetscape includes wide sidewalks, greenspace, a two-way bike lane (cycle track) separated from
                                                traffic with a raised median, two travel lanes, and a parking aisle
  Up through the 1970s, downtown
Johnson City was bustling with commercial                                                                                                      Proposed Walnut
activity. The issues of the day were                                                                                                           Street looking
increased parking needs and an accessible                                                                                                      West. LDA utilized
transportation system. Then in 1980-81,                                                                                                        3D renderings
the area was hit with three impediments,                                                                                                       throughout the
including opening of the interstate that                                                                                                       design process
runs through the community which                                                                                                               to assist the City
diverted traffic from the downtown area,                                                                                                       and Community in
opening of the second half of the mall in                                                                                                      design development
north Johnson City which moved retail                                                                                                          discussions.
establishments from the downtown core,                                                                                                         The cycle-track
and the relocation of the 300 bed hospital                                                                                                     extends across the
to the western edge of the city, thus loss                                                                                                     raised intersection
of jobs in the area. As a result, downtown                                                                                                     below.
economic activity declined rapidly, and
struggled for 30 or so years, regardless of
what program was pursued.

  In 2003, downtown was hit with
another major flood and the remaining
business owners turned their ire to
the flood issue. Recognizing that
drainage issues were underfunded, the
City implemented a community-wide
stormwater management fee and noted
with the new fee that the highest priority
would be to address the downtown flood
issue. A master plan was developed and
then LDA Engineering was hired to
design the first of three flood detention
areas. Over 1,000 feet of an encapsulated

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