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         Call for GESA Awards Nominations

           Each year, the Governor’s         individual or group would be a good   will make time to nominate deserving
         Environmental Stewardship Awards    candidate for the awards, direct them   Tennesseans for their environmental
         honor outstanding accomplishments that   to the nomination forms and other   commitment, efforts, and achievements. 
         support the protection and enhancement   pertinent information on our website.  Thank you for supporting this
         of Tennessee’s natural resources.     The Tennessee Department of        important statewide program.
         Nominating an individual, group, or   Environment and Conservation is
         organization for their achievements is a   encouraged that so many citizens and   Kathy Glapa,
         meaningful way to promote conservation   organizations take action to ensure   Office of Sustainable Practices
         and recognize effective environmental   Tennessee communities are healthy   615-253-8780
         leadership in Tennessee.            places to live, work, and play. I hope you
            Nominations are currently being
         accepted for the 2023 Governor’s
         Environmental Stewardship Awards,     GOVERNOR’S ENVIRONMENTAL
         and I am asking you to draw on your
         knowledge and experience to help us   STEWARDSHIP AWARDS
         identify organizations and individuals
         who are improving the quality of        The Governor’s Environmental Stewardship Awards
         Tennessee’s land, air, and water.     (GESA) are presented annually to recognize outstanding
           The Governor’s Environmental        achievements by individuals, local governments, businesses,
         Stewardship Awards include ten        organizations, educational institutions, and agencies
         categories:                           for successful environmental projects and conservation
         1.  Agriculture and Forestry          measures. The awards program was instituted in 1986 by Ernie Blankenship of the
         2.   Building Green                   Tennessee Department of Environment and Health, a predecessor of TDEC, and has
         3.  Clean Air                         been adopted by the Governor’s office as one of its award programs.    
         4.   Energy and Renewable Resources     GESA are designed to enhance knowledge and awareness of effective conservation
         5.   Environmental Education and      and environmental practices and projects making outstanding contributions to the
            Outreach                           preservation and protection of community and state natural resources and to give
         6.   Materials Management             proper recognition to those who engage in these outstanding practices.
         7.   Natural Resource                   The awards also encourage leadership by example through award winners, leading
         8.   Water Quality                    to increased protection and conservation of Tennessee’s wildlife, forests, soils,
         9.   Sustainable Performance          air, water, natural heritage, parks, and recreation. Applications are judged in nine
         10. Lifetime Achievement              different criteria areas, including such items as project results and transferability, as
           Any individual, business, organization,   well as three eligibility areas: location within the state of Tennessee, completion of
         educational institution, or agency is   a majority of the project in the current calendar year, and three years of exceptional
         eligible, provided it is in Tennessee   environmental compliance with TDEC.
         and the project was fully implemented   GESA are the most prestigious environmental and conservation awards in the
         and/or finalized in the two years prior   state. For more than 30 years, the awards have been presented to individuals and
         to December 31, 2022, or for long-    organizations making significant contributions to the protection and improvement
         term projects finalized by the year   of our natural resources and wildlife. GESA supports the Governor’s priorities of Job
         prior to the nomination deadline.     and Economic Development and Health and Welfare, while also supporting TDEC
         All nominees must have a minimum      priorities of Public/Private Partnerships and Positive Environmental Outcomes.
         of three consecutive years of overall
         environmental compliance with TDEC.   The 2022 Governor’s Environmental Stewardship Award recipients were:
         Self-nominations are encouraged.      ENTITY                       COUNTY        CATEGORY
           A panel of judges representing      225 Polk Ave – Hastings Architecture   Davidson    Building Green
         agricultural, conservation, forestry,
         environmental, and academic           Maryville Water & Sewer Dept.    Blount    Water Quality
         professionals will select award recipients   FirstBank Amphitheater    Williamson    Natural Resources
         based on criteria including level of project   Florim USA Inc.     Montgomery    Sustainable Performance
         or program completion, innovation,    Pathway Lending              Statewide     Energy & Renewable Resources
         and public education. The deadline for   Rockwood Sustainable Solutions    Wilson    Materials Management
         nominations is March 17, 2023. Award   Sam Pleasants Cattle Farm   Fayette       Agriculture and Forestry
         recipients will be announced in the   SkyNano Technologies         Knox          Clean Air
         summer of 2023.                       West TN Regional Recycling Hub    Chester    Environmental Educ. & Outreach
           We need your help. If you feel like an
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