Page 9 - Mar-Apr2023 Vol40 No7
P. 9

in different sizes and textures from fine   saving taxpayer dollars in the process.  Development District and Tennessee
         sand to 3/8th inch gravel. It has rounded   Other uses include pipe bedding,   County Highway Officials Association.
         edges so it’s not sharp, and it’s especially   grouting, sandblasting, landscaping and   The recycling center is at 331 Levi
         environmentally-friendly, Cox said.  lane striping to improve the reflectivity of   Street in Maryville next to the operations
           Local highway projects can use the finer   road stripe paint. It can even be used to   center and is open Tuesdays, Wednesdays,
         glass sand as a material to treat roads   create countertops and terrazzo flooring.  Thursdays and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to
         during winter. The glass fines (highly   Even though the glass mill opened a   4:30 p.m. Glass should be dropped in the
         powdered material) are mixed with salt   couple months ago, it’s already received   blue dumpster in the parking area by the
         for treating slick snow-covered streets,   awards from the East Tennessee   recycling office. 

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