Page 10 - May-June2022 Vol 40 No 1
P. 10

PIGEON FORGE                                                        By Jason Brady, P.E. and Shap Stiles, P.E.
         Second Largest Paver Project in U.S.

           A new Pigeon Forge 14-acre        visitors expect “next-level architecture,”   Prior Work Aids Firm’s Selection
         permeable paver parking lot (connected   noting that visitors have been very   Due to the City’s positive history
         to a new 600-foot pedestrian bridge) is   complimentary of the parking lot and   working with Gresham Smith in the Jake
         being lauded as “a catalyst for economic   how the space “helps to create a memory  Thomas Farm development area, to the
         vitality.”                          of their time spent.”                firm was enlisted to evaluate all available
           The lot is the largest of its kind   Engineering professionals also agree   options, including structured parking
         east of the Mississippi River, and the   with Pigeon Forge officials’ assessment.   and purchasing additional land to
         second largest paver project in the   Last year, the project won an Honor   facilitate the number of spaces needed.
         U.S, according to Gresham Smith, who   Award from the 2021 American Council   Overcoming the extreme topography
         assisted the City of Pigeon Forge on the   of Engineering Companies (ACEC) TN   that comes with being in the foothills
         project from planning and site selection   Engineering Excellence Awards  of the Smoky Mountains prompted a
         through construction engineering and   Event, Entertainment Success Created   myriad of options to evaluate. These
         inspection.                         Parking Challenges                   included grade-separated pedestrian
           The addition of the new 2,000-space                                    facilities, escalators, elevators, stairs and
                                               The LeConte Event Center in
         parking lot and adjoining bridge    Pigeon Forge, a premier multipurpose   whether to provide access directly into
         provides new access to the LeConte   convention and event space in one of   the building or create infrastructure that
         Event Center for patrons and tourists,   Tennessee’s top tourist destinations, has   could serve the community in a more
         while also allowing additional capacity   maintained a nearly at-capacity calendar   comprehensive manner.
         in the existing lot to serve the Island   of bookings. Its success, paired with the   The City of Pigeon Forge hired
         entertainment complex. In addition, the   popularity of The Island (which also   Gresham Smith in June 2018 as the
         bridge and parking lot have become an   depends on the City of Pigeon Forge   lead engineering firm on all elements of
         elevated landmark for the community.  Municipal Parking lot) created an acute   the project from site selection through
           David Ware, Mayor of Pigeon Forge,                                     construction engineering and inspection
         said city officials are pleased the project   need for additional public parking.  (CEI.)
                                               Specifically, the City of Pigeon Forge
         enhances the appeal of the existing   had to act quickly to double the available   Project Also Enhances City’s Greenway
         event center. “The LeConte center is a   on-site parking to secure the return
         beautiful building and it was important   of their most valuable conventions,   Goals
         to city council and city staff that the   including The National Quartet   The land purchased by the City to
         pedestrian bridge be just as visually   Convention. That convention alone   build the lot was across Teaster Lane
         appealing.”                         boasts an annual average attendance of   and was around 50 feet higher than the
           Eric Brackins, Assistant City Manager   nearly 19,000 fans.            LeConte Center building elevation. To
         of Pigeon Forge, said Pigeon Forge                                       provide access, a bridge was proposed to

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