Page 9 - May-June2022 Vol 40 No 1
P. 9

the Town of Signal Mountain, were   members said. Miller said he         fall 2020 and was deemed a
         among readers who agreed the        “likes the pictures, especially the   success. Mills said while the
         Spotlight feature was a favorite    cover. I always look (at) who is     virtual opportunities “are really
         section, due to its emphasis        advertising, and who bought new      pretty good,” he classified himself
         on colleagues and the unusual       equipment, and what projects         as “a bit old school. I still like to
         information they learn about each   engineers are working on.” Hopper  visit with fellow professionals and
         other. Hopper said the Spotlight    said “my guys all like to see their   friends with a handshake, a meal
         feature “helps (us) get to know     picture from the TPWI classes in     and some good ol’ give and take
         others in the PW world. You may     the magazine. And it helps spread  conversation.”
         see them at a conference or         the word about TPWI, which is so     The Phone Books Are Here! The
         meeting and have a connection.”     important.”                          Phone Books Are Here!
           Fortner said “I love the Spotlight   Tips on Technology, Virtual Training   In the end, TCAPWA leaders
         series! Most of the time, the       Helped During COVID                  agreed the magazine’s success
         articles I read first are the ones    Various members also have          is in promoting the very personal
         that pertain more to me…and it’s    told Kimmey that during COVID,       connection that Mills talked
         of value because I know many        the magazine’s stories on virtual    about…a comradery and fellowship
         people who are in (the magazine).”  training, Zoom, conferencing         in the Public Works field. Hopper
           In fact, Fortner said he reads    technology and online safety         agreed, saying “I love the
         TPW Magazine “before and usually    from hackers proved to be useful     magazine and am so excited to see
         instead of the national one. I like it   in communication inside and     it when it hits my desk…(like…
         because it’s not so long. I can look   outside their departments. Fox    “the phone books are here, the
         through it and even read most of    said “technology-related stories are  phone books are here!!”) (quoting
         the articles in an hour or so,” he   incredibly helpful. They are a great  Steve Martin in the movie, “The
         said. “If I have a question about   opportunity to learn from others     Jerk.”)
         something that piques my interest,   who are on the forefront of Public   Mills summed it up simply by
         I can pick up the phone and call    Works.”                              adding “I have had the privilege
         them for more info.”                  In fact, the TCAPWA Chapter        of seeing many different chapters’
           In addition to Spotlight, the     itself demonstrated its ease with    publications, and I truly think
         colorful photos and graphics also   technology when its first virtual    the Tennessee Chapter’s TPW
         enhance the publication, several    state conference was held in         Magazine is the BEST.”

                                                 THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR ADVERTISERS

                                                       TPW Magazine would not exist without you.
                                                 Some of our earliest advertisers are still seen on these pages. BWSC
                                                   began advertising in 1983. CAT and CMI first appeared in 1984.
         Thank you for your involvement in the Chapter   Neel-Schaffer began in 1987 and Stringfellow started in 1988.
         and TPW Magazine over the years.

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