Page 7 - May-June2022 Vol 40 No 1
P. 7

team who joined with Kirk, of       doing innovative things. I hoped     shared, “I was honored (and a
         the University of Tennessee’s       that when we reported on these       little bit nervous) when Judy
         Municipal Technical Advisory        projects, somewhere a reader         suggested that I take over the
         Service (MTAS), to transform the    would hold up the magazine to        magazine when she retired. There
         old-format, typed, photocopied and  their co-workers (or bosses) and     is a lot more to publishing TPW
         stapled Chapter newsletter (that    say ‘Look at this, do you think our   than trying to make it look good.
         had been written and distributed    department could do this?’”          She had such a good reputation
         by former TCAPWA President            “People in Public Works are        with the Chapter and her
         and legend A.C. Lock), into a       some of the most kind and            advertisers and contributors that
         polished bimonthly magazine.        unassuming people I’ve ever met.     the transition was fairly seamless.
         That first magazine issue in        I admire their ethics in getting     Though I felt I knew everyone–if
         1983 was mailed to 1500 public      the job done, and not necessarily    from behind the scenes–very
         works officials. These days the     getting the credit for it,” she said.   few knew me. The welcome was
         publication is online, and has a    When she retired seven years ago,    immediate, and the magazine
         mailing list of 1740.               Keller turned TPW Magazine over      continues to benefit from the
           Remembering those early days,     to Klair Kimmey, who had worked      great relationships built in the
         Keller said her vision for the      as the magazine’s graphic designer  past along with so many new
         magazine was “to shine a spotlight   since 1993.                         ones. The Chapter is attracting
         on the Public Works profession.     The Magazine Transitions from        young professionals who get
         The state is so diverse, with so    Keller to Kimmey                     their information differently and
         many smart people in Public Works     Klair Kimmey, TPW’s publisher,     the magazine is taking steps to

         Recognize any of these folks? TPW Magazine has served as the written history of the Tennessee Chapter since 1983. Thank you for the support.

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