Page 8 - May-June2022 Vol 40 No 1
P. 8

meet those changing needs. I am     do better for our residents.” That   to get new ideas.” Calvin Clifton,
         thankful for the support of the     “best practices” theme was voiced    Business Development Manager
         Chapter and hope TPW continues      by others, including TCAPWA          at Mattern & Craig, echoed that
         serving the members (even after I   Chapter Administrator Mark Miller,   sentiment, saying that information
         retire…someday).”                   who said he likes “anything new      sharing also allows “opportunities
           National APWA Past President      (that) seems to be a better way to   to collaborate and improve
         Bo Mills agreed that the            save our citizens money.”            operations.”
         magazine’s audience is composed       Kenny Wiggins, TCAPWA               Awards and recognition for a
         of “professionals who usually       Treasurer and City of Alcoa          job well-done also are key parts
         have (their) heads down, taking     retiree, said “even with the         of the magazine, said Kimberly
         care of the day-to-day demands of   branch meetings and annual           Strong, longtime TCAPWA leader
         providing service to a jurisdiction.   conferences, it’s difficult to keep   now with the City of Chattanooga’s
         The magazine serves as a resource   up with our peers, other agencies,   mayor’s office. She felt awards
         for information and connectivity to   the very supportive vendors and    sections serve “as a catalyst for our
         others with similar challenges.”    consultants and others involved      members to celebrate the success
         Sharing Best Practices and          in Public Works across the state.    that our members and branches
         Members’ Awards                     TPW Magazine allows us a means       receive recognition for.” And her
           The publication’s value in        to do so–and it’s free, thanks to    favorite section in the magazine?
         sharing best practices to its       the vendors and consultants who      “I really enjoy the Spotlight series.
         members was noted by TCAPWA         advertise in each edition.”          It allows me to get to know our
         President John Fox, who said “it’s    Lower East Director Kristin        members through another lens.”
         good to see all of the amazing      Franklin said she finds it valuable   The Spotlight Section Is a Favorite
         things Public Works professionals   “to see what other cities are doing   Strong, TCAPWA Upper East
         are doing across the State. I think   and accomplishing in their day-    Director Bryan Fortner and Loretta
         it inspires others to do more and   to-day operations. Others are able   Hopper, Public Works Director for

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